Your First Step to Quality Healthcare
Your first visit to Sunnyvale Family Medicine establishes a vital foundation for our relationship with you. During the first visit, we’ll obtain important background information, including your medical history, and give you time to get to know your doctor.
Convenient Healthcare Technology
Online New Patient Forms
Patient Portal
Healow App
Your First Visit to Sunnyvale Family Medicine
New Patient Forms
Please print and fill out these forms so we can expedite your first visit:
New Patient Registration
Current Patient Update
Appointment Request
Refer A Patient
What to Expect
Being well-prepared for your appointment will ensure Dr. Rollins has all of the needed information to provide you the best possible care.
During the first visit, Sunnyvale Family Medicine will make sure to obtain important background information, like your medical history, and give you time to get to know your doctor.
Please fill out the New Patient Forms completely prior to your visit. We look forward to a long, healthy and professional relationship!